Monday, April 6, 2015

HTML5 Tags - b , strong , i ,em , mark , cite , dfn


  • Used to specified bold text.

  • Is a phase tag.
  • Used to define important text.

<b> and <strong> tags make the text bold.So do you think both elements do the same thing???
      No.They don't do the same thing.they may look the same to human.But the web crawlers or bots see something quite different.
      When a search engine spiders and analyzes a page , text in <strong> tag is considered important.
      Text in <b> tag is not.


  • Used to specified italic text.

  • Used to format text in document.
  • Is a phase tag.(renders as emphasized text)


  • Used to highlight  parts of the text.
  • Defines marked text.


  • Used to define title of a work.
  • Name of a person is not a title of a work.


  • Used to define instance of term.
  • We can used <dfn> tag without a title attribute , with title attribute and with the title attribute of an <abbr> tag inside the <dfn> tag.
Look at the following example to clarify above tags.

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